Long time elder here with lots of merit badges. I agree with jwfacts as to the types you will run into. Huge family of JWs for us. My wife and I have been left out (not invited) to some recent family events, we're hurt but understand their reasoning..which is why I would advise not to get in their face about things. Try to remember how you might have handled it when you were in.
If no one has mustered up the courage to ask you about your present beliefs or what bothers you, events like weddings or other functions/events would not be a good place to start with explanations.
There's usually folks from several congs. attending those things, and they will feel awkward because you were once one of them (an exemplary one at that) and now you're an unbeliever or worse yet, have apostate leanings.
Remember, to JWs, Satan lurks under every rock and behind every tree. They're afraid to converse about your new situation, because Satan is sooo clever. Thank our "friends" in Brooklyn for that. Now that you have looked behind the curtain, their attitude will frustrate and infuriate you. Stay calm, and remember what it was like.